Who We Are

The New York City Church of Christ is a non-denominational church, a fellowship of believers who love God and each other. We believe that the Bible is the word of God and is a marvelous guide for daily living. We appreciate the forgiveness that comes through Jesus Christ and are eager to share the blessings he provides.

The New York City Church of Christ was planted in 1983 by eighteen Christians who moved here specifically to establish a congregation which could take the message of Jesus to what is arguably the greatest city in the world. Now nearly 4,000 people meet each Sunday in various geographic groups throughout the five boroughs and the surrounding metropolitan area. Periodically the entire church gathers in Manhattan for a united worship assembly. We are a multi-cultural, multi-racial group. We sponsor a benevolent organization HOPE Tri-state and also support many missionaries in Africa and in several Caribbean nations.

We are grateful to be disciples of Jesus and appreciate the fellowship we have with one another. Please click "Regions" on the website to find a meeting location near you.

Thursday, April 12, 2012



Our Trip to Guatemala

Our trip to Guatemala was a dream come true! Although this trip was not one of leisure, my husband and I were very excited to return to our native county.  We were both born and raised in the northern coast of Guatemala, which is a five hour trip from the capital.
The fact that God placed this mission trip to Guatemala in the hearts and minds of the brothers and sisters of the Boston Church of Christ is truly a blessing.  This marks the third year in which this event has been taking place. Last year two sisters from the Queens ministry joined this mission trip, and while I tried to register, I missed the deadline. Yet, God being the God of all wisdom and greatness, truly blew me away with this opportunity in 2012, because instead of traveling alone, my husband and daughter accompanied me on the trip last month in February. Traveling and working alongside my family was such a source of motivation for me!

We had no idea how we would be able to cover all the costs or afford this trip. After initially agreeing to serve as volunteers on this mission trip, our lack of faith and fear filled us with panic once we realized that the cost per person was beyond our budget.  We got discouraged and started doubting and almost resigned to the thought of not being able to go after all. We decided to pray earnestly and ask God if it was His will, to make this trip possible without it being cost prohibitive for us as a family. Once again, God answered our prayers! We only had to cover half of my daughter Kristal’s airfare, hotel and meal costs.  In 2 Corinthians 9:10 we read: Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
On a very hot midday afternoon on Thursday, February 16th we reached de capital of Guatemala.  We thanked God for the safe trip and immediately proceeded to exchange our money from U.S. dollars to quetzals, the Guatemalan currency.  As we exited the airport a group of organizers from HOPE met us and we traveled to the hotel, which was simply breathtaking in its beauty.  That night the entire group of volunteers who had traveled for this mission gathered and we met people from Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Texas and London.  We were all ready to serve.

On Friday, our assignments started very early at 4:00am, with breakfast at 5:00am and a 5:30am bus trip to a valley in the mountainous region of Sololá, where 80% of the population only speaks the local dialect of  Quiché, instead of Spanish. The trip took five hours and upon arrival, I was surprised to see a vast number of people waiting in line to receive medial attention.  We immediately started to set up and work. I was able to serve by assisting with translation in the pediatric department. The doctors, who spoke mostly English, would ask me to translate their questions to the patients in Spanish, and then a local assistant was found who would translate my Spanish into Quiché. The patients responded in Quiche, which would then be translated back into Spanish, and I would finally translate their answers into English for the doctors – not an easy task! Talk about all things being possible with God! That Friday we assisted approximately 80 patients.  That same day we returned to the capital arriving to the hotel in the evening to get some rest, and get ready to do it all again the next morning.  On Saturday we visited one of the poor neighborhoods in the city and served by assisting many patients with diverse medical conditions.
We are truly grateful to God and to all who helped make this trip a reality.  It was an unforgettable experience where we learned humbleness, how to always be grateful and appreciate what we have, and to remember to allow ourselves to be led by God.

And to Him be the Glory,
Larry & Selma Neal

Nuestro viaje a Guatemala fue un sueño hecho realidad! A pesar que no fue un viaje de placer estabamos muy animados, como muchos sabran my esposo y yo somos nativos Guatemaltecos, nacidos y criados en la costa Norte de Guatemala a cinco horas de la capital.
     El que Dios haya puesto en el Corazon de los hermanos de la iglesia de Cristo de Boston, organizar y mandar brigadas a Guatemala es una bendicion. Este es el tercer año que este evento se lleva a cabo, el año pasado dos hermanas de nuestro ministerio fueron parte de estas brigadas, yo trate de registrarme pero ya era tarde, pero como Dios es un Dios de grandeza esta vez lo hizo mejor lo digo porque, nos dio la oportunidad a mi esposo, mi  hija   ser parte de las brigadas de febrero 2012, viajar y trabajar en familia es como que mas animante.
     No sabiamos como ibamos a costear los gastos del viaje, despues que dijimos que si serviriamos de voluntarios, la falta de fe provoco que entraramos en panico al ver que el costo del viaje por persona estaba por encima de nuestro presupuesto, nos desanimamos y empezamos a dudar, creimos que no ibamos a poder viajar, pero la oracion es poderosa, le pedimos a Diosito que si era su voluntad que hiciera possible de mandarnos sin que tuviesemos que gastar mucho dinero, asi fue! Lo unico que nos toco que cubrir fue la mitad del pasaje de Kristal, el hotel, y la cena de cada dia que estuvimos en Guatemala. En 2 Corintios 9:10 dice Dios que da la semilla que se siembra y el alimento que se come, les dara a ustedes todo lo necesario para su siembra y la hara crecer, y hara que la generosidad de ustedes produzca una gran cosecha.
      El Jueves 16 de febrero llegamos a la capital de Guatemala, eran aproximadamente las 12 de mediodia, hacia mucho calor, le dimos gracias a Dios el haber llegado bien, lo primero que hicimos fue cambiar dinero, de dolares a quetzales, al salir del aeropuerto nos esperaban los organizadores de Hope, llegamos al hotel, que por cierto es hermoso. En la noche nos reunimos todos los que participariamos en las brigadas, habian hermanos y hermanas de Boston, Chicago, Los angeles, Texas, y Londres, todos estabamos listos para servir.
El viernes la jornada empezo a las 4:00 am, desayunamos a las 5:00 el bus saldria a las 5:30  a una aldea en las montanas de solola donde el 80% de la poblacion no habla español ellos hablan el dialecto Quiche. El viaje duro cinco horas, cuando llegamos a nuestro destino, me sorprendio ver tanta gente,  haciendo fila para recibir servicio medico inmediatamente empezamos a trabajar, tuve la oportunidad de ayudar, traduciendo en pediatria ya que la mayoria de medicos hablan ingles, no fue facil ya que tambien necesitabamos a alguien que hablara Quiche y Español, con Dios todo es possible, cuando atendiamos pacientes el medico me decia en ingles que preguntara cual era el problema, yo hacia la pregunta en español, y la persona que nos estaba ayudando preguntaba en Quiche, la/el paciente respondia en Quiche, me lo traducian al español y yo lo traducia al Ingles. Ese dia atendimos aproximadamente ochenta pacientes.  Ese mismo dia nos regresamos a la capital de noche, descansamos ya que el trabajo continuaria el dia siguiente. El sabado, nos toco que ir a servir a una comunidad en un barrio pobre en la capital, todo el dia estuvimos atendiendo pacientes con diferentes problemas medicos.
Estamos bien agradecidos con Dios y con todos aquellos que colaboraron para que este viaje fuera posible.  Nuestra experience fue inolvidable, aprendimos a ser agradecidos, a apreciar lo que tenemos, y a dejarnos guiar por Dios.
                                              Que la Gloria Sea Para Dios
                                                           Larry & Selma Neal